Well! Happy New Year! Turns out that last year was a pretty good one for Plzak Interiors. Despite economic reports to the contrary, there were actually people out there spending money and, happily for us, some of the people who were willing to pump some cash into the economy did it with us. We were all over the place: Sarasota, Fl., Naples, Fl, West Palm Beach, Fl, the western suburbs, the northern suburbs, the Gold Coast. We had big projects and small projects. Many of them have been completed and others will be complete as of the end of this month. Our (and by 'our' I mean 'my') goal this year will be to bring to you a series of 'before' and 'after' photos from the projects we had fun doing in 2009.
We gave the room a more elegant look with solid colored drapery that covered a lot of the wall on the window walls. We added more light by hanging a bowl shaped chandelier on the ceiling and two wall hung lamps on the wide muttons between the windows.
As always I have to sincerely thank all of my clients for trusting me with their projects and for being, for the most part, so enjoyable and easy to work with. I hope to have many more projects coming up in 2010 and look forward to working with both old and new clients.
The first post of 2010's series of Before and Afters will start with a family room redo which was a 2008 Christmas gift from husband to wife. These clients were looking for a more refined look for their family room-less country and more traditional. They were hoping for more lighting and more seating and they wanted to keep many of their accessory pieces and carpeting.
We gave them what they were looking for by adding two new sofa's and a bench surrounding a large storage coffee table. We also replaced an oversize chair with a swivel chair and ottoman.
We think the overall effect has accomplished all that they had hoped for and, the best news, they thought so too!